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Session 024

Everybody is waking up and coming into the Elemental Fundamentals. Spark is getting ignored by the patrons. Harper wakes up Kaos. Morn comes downstairs, looking tired. Jar is walking down the stairs hoping it was all a dream… discovering it wasn´t he asks for liquor. Morn asks Spark if he has a good night and he comes to life. Harper startles but then introduces herself to Spark. Spark tells her he wants to help around the community. She welcomes him and offers a tour of the village.

Spark tries to get a piece of the dark stone in the centre of the town. He spells his chizzle and tries to brake a piece off. It doesn´t work.

Fionnlagh offers to take some of the kittens of their hands.

Arcturus tries to take Morns mace. He has a thought about the mace and fuel core reacting to eachother. Spark’s existance stuns Arcturus. They get into a conversation about the rock. Spark shows a part of his body made of meteorite and wonders about how amazing the rock will be to make armour off.

Arcturus says we had four fuel cores, one exploded, so just three left. He wants to measure the energy so he can track other disturbances in the field to find more. In the hope of finding Duerths people.

Arcturus tries to run off with Morns Mace. Jar tries to take it back, it doesn´t work. Morns allows Arcturus to take it for research.

Jar has a plan to use Spark to get the sunken Dragon hoard. He also wants to try to talk to Sparks maker at some point

Harper tells the adventurers it will take 5-7 days to get the location of the ruins. Harper asks them to be ready by then. She also asks them to talk to the people as it only has been two days after returning from killing the dragon.

Spark uses his downtime to fix stuff and duplicate usefull items for the town people.

Morns kitten Mimi Kaos kitten Whipped Cream Jar kitten Sandy

Fionnlagh talks to Sandy, Checks in on him, asks about his willingness to destroy, and introduces him to Vyth. Fionnlagh puts in an order for Ashblossom (10 gp, takes three weeks) and finds Remorhaz Ichor in his downtime. (In preparation of Potion of Fire Breath)

Jar talks to Spark about how he needs to reopen a traderoute back home that keeps being exploded. His plan was making multiple Vyths, but the alternative might be making a “Spark” who is a one man army. Spark gives Jar the option to talk to his maker. Gestaldo tells him he used to power Spark with a crank. Jar asks the second step after building small atomatons on the path to learn to build something like Spark, the answer was bigger atomatons. The last question is for Spark and Gestaldo tells him he is a little cold, so Spark makes him a hat.

On the fourth day there are visitors in the town. A group of four kobolts. One of them is the Shaman, who looks weaker than she used to, tired and nervous, accompanied by three warriors in full battle attire.

We all gather in the Elemental Fundamentals. The Shaman tells that she needs aid. She tells that they started the beginnings of a new town, but there is an issue some of the people have been dissapearing. They don’t know why, but they find half eaten breatheren. There have been multiple cassualties. Four found death, eight missing. She humbly asks for aid.

The adventurers are willing to help and ask Koda to babysit the kittens. Kaos gives Whipped Cream a light blue collar.

Jar asks Kall if they are allowed to speak to the death kobolts. She tells them magic is frowned upon, and that the bodies are ritually burned. Sparks takes over the diplomatic conversation and asks if he might be allowed to do so with possible future victims.

The Shaman is really nervous whilst traveling and is figiting with her necklace. She asks about the adventurours ability to heal. She tells about that she found the body of the High Priestess the day before. The necklace is a pawprint of a kobolt she got from the High Priestess.

It takes a little under a day of travel. Early in the evening they arrive. We see the beginning of a village made from about 15-20 animal hide tents and a fence around it. The adventurours enter the village. One of the villagers tells about a new attack. There was nine people going out, two dead, five injured and two missing. The shaman asks about the injured. Morn realises his mace is still with Acturus.

We visit the improvised hospital. Ragged wounds, they are strange, they look kinda infected. The edges look purpleish. The skin around the wound looks discoloured. Spark talks to one of the injured, The kobolt talks about a shadow beast, another chimes in and calls it “a shedder”.

Jar is outside the main gate and tries to figure out if someone is stalking the village, using his latern of revealing. Spark asks his God for guidance and asks if the ten missing kobolts are taken hostage. The answer was no. Fionnlagh waits outside the hospital with his bow ready. The others organising a watch, Kaos makes a pole for Spark to sit on whilst he is on watch. Jar makes brewing tools and starts a batch of alcohol. Spark asks “Is it a good idea to go outside the village in search of the missing Kobolts?” The answer is both. Spark asks “Will they attack the village tonight?” the answer is no.

Fionnlagh tells Morn to stand watch in the Hospital. We tell the Shaman that we are going out to search. When we go into the tent, it becomes clear she was romantically involved with the High Priestess. She is worried but thinks we are brave.

We retrace the steps of the returned injured kobolts. Spark produces a Giant Boar and asks it to search for predators, he doesn´t find any. Spark decides to ride it. Jar looks for a hollow tree, and makes two sledes, it doesn´t work in the thick undergrowth.

It is flat area, due north is the coast a little to the NE is more forrest. There is no cave formations etc. We find a clearing. Spark convices the boar to play death, Kaos asstist by giving the boar barding inspiration. The act takes a while and we wait and nothing happens.

People are tired, so we head back to the village. We arrive back around four. Spark takes his place on the pole, and he makes a rearview fisheye mirror to use. He also takes Vyth with him. The boar, Pumba, is still there until dawn.

Jar, Kaos and Fionnlagh go to the Shamans hut and go to sleep. Jar wakes her up whilst we do so.

Fionnlagh wakes up from scratching on the tent, before the full nights rest. He screams and wakes up Jar and Kaos.